Democratic Policymaking: An Analytic Approach Book Pdf !!TOP!!
This introduction applies analytic models to policymaking challenges, equipping students with tools to evaluate core policymaking dilemmas. Students are introduced to the approaches of game theory, social choice theory, research design and causal inference. Key terms, along with current research, are highlighted to build an understanding of public policy study. Exercises and thought questions enable students to develop skills to assess public policy dilemmas. The analytically rigorous style of the text is accessible and avoids lengthy descriptions. Supplementary resources for instructors include extensive notes, ancillaries and online resources, including a test bank, quizzes and editable lecture slides for all chapters that can be modified to fit particular courses. This textbook is suitable for introductory public policy and public administration courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Democratic Policymaking: An Analytic Approach book pdf
Frank Fischer has been Distinguished Professor of Politics and Global Affairs at Rutgers University in the USA. Since 2016 he has worked as a research scholar in the department of political sociology and the Albrecht Daniel Thaer Institute of Humboldt University in Berlin and is associated with the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam. He is a co-editor of Critical Policy Studies journal, co-editor of the book series on Advancing Critical Policy Studies and editor of the Handbook of Policy Research Series for Edward Elgar Publishing. In addition to widely lecturing around the world on environmental politics, democratic participation, and deliberative policy analysis, he has published 17 books and numerous essays. These include "Technocracy and the Politics of Expertise" (Sage 1990), "Evaluating Public Policy" (Wentworth 1995), "Citizens, Experts and the Environment" (Duke 2000), "Reframing Public Policy: Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices" (Oxford 2003), "Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics and Methods", co-edited with Mara Sidney and Gerald Miller (Taylor and Francis 2006), "Democracy and Expertise: Reorienting Policy Inquiry" (Oxford 2009), "The Argumentative Turn Revisited: Public Policy as Communicative Practice", co-edited with Herbert Gottweis (Duke 2012), the "Handbook of Critical Policy Studies", co-edited with Douglas Torgerson, Anna Durnova and Michael Orsini (Elgar 2015) and "Climate Crisis and the Democratic Prospect" (Oxford 2017). In addition to research in the United States and Germany, he has conducted field research in India, Nepal and Thailand on citizen participation and local ecological knowledge. He has also received numerous awards, including the Harold Lasswell, Charles Taylor, and Aaron Wildavsky Awards for contributions to the field policy studies.
A central role of democratic governance is protecting citizens, while ensuring the provision of essential goods and services. However, the way democratic states carry out this role has faced new challenges in the last two decades [1]. Rising complexity and uncertainty, as a result of changing power dynamics between countries, the digital revolution, and climate change, have forced policymakers to consider new approaches to national security [2, 3].
Finally, as noted in the Background and definition section, democratic governments have adopted resilience approaches in part because they have been struggling to meet interdisciplinary, large-scale challenges that impact national security (although perhaps indirectly), such as climate change. Using some of the futures methods detailed throughout this paper, like horizon scanning and scenario development, to govern long-term planning could also help policymakers to overcome these challenges and hence strengthen their resilience.