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A Comprehensive Guide to Prolog and AI: Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

Are you interested in learning how to use Prolog, a powerful and expressive programming language, to develop artificial intelligence (AI) applications? Do you want to explore the latest developments and trends in the field of AI using Prolog as a tool? If yes, then this article is for you.

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In this article, we will introduce you to Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition, a best-selling guide to Prolog and AI written by Professor Ivan Bratko. We will explain what Prolog and AI are, how they are related, and what are the key features of this book. We will also show you how to use this book effectively, what topics it covers, and what benefits you can gain from learning it. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of what this book can offer you and how it can help you achieve your goals in AI programming.

What is Prolog?

Prolog is a programming language that belongs to the family of logic programming languages. Logic programming is a paradigm that uses mathematical logic as a basis for expressing computations. In logic programming, a program consists of a set of facts and rules that describe the relationships between entities. A computation is performed by applying logical inference to derive new facts or answer queries.

Prolog stands for PROgramming in LOGic. It was created in the early 1970s by Alain Colmerauer and his colleagues at the University of Marseille, France. Prolog was designed to facilitate natural language processing, but soon it was adopted by many researchers and practitioners in AI for various purposes. Prolog is one of the most widely used languages for AI programming, especially for knowledge-based systems, expert systems, natural language understanding, planning, reasoning, learning, and more.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that studies how to create machines or software that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI aims to simulate or emulate human cognitive abilities such as perception, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, communication, creativity, etc.

AI is a broad and interdisciplinary field that encompasses many subfields and applications. Some of the major subfields of AI include machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, speech recognition, robotics, game playing, neural networks, evolutionary computation, etc. Some of the applications of AI include search engines, recommender systems, chatbots, virtual assistants, self-driving cars, facial recognition, spam filtering, fraud detection, medical diagnosis, etc.

How Prolog and AI are related?

Prolog and AI are related in several ways. First, Prolog is a language that supports logic programming, which is one of the main paradigms for AI programming. Logic programming allows programmers to express knowledge and reasoning in a declarative and concise way, without worrying about the details of how the computation is performed. Prolog also provides built-in mechanisms for search, backtracking, unification, and recursion, which are essential for implementing AI algorithms and techniques.

Second, Prolog is a language that facilitates the development of AI applications. Prolog enables programmers to represent and manipulate complex and dynamic data structures, such as lists, trees, graphs, etc. Prolog also allows programmers to define and use high-level abstractions, such as predicates, clauses, variables, terms, etc. Prolog also supports meta-programming and meta-logical constructs, which enable programmers to manipulate and reason about programs themselves.

Third, Prolog is a language that has been used extensively for AI research and education. Prolog has been the language of choice for many AI researchers and educators for exploring new ideas and concepts in AI. Prolog has also been the language of instruction for many AI courses and textbooks, including Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition.

Key Features of Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition is a best-selling guide to Prolog and AI written by Professor Ivan Bratko, who leads the AI Lab in the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at Ljubljana University. He has taught Prolog worldwide as well as applying Prolog in medical expert systems, robot programming, qualitative modelling and computer chess research.

This book has been updated to include key developments in the field while retaining its lucid approach to these topics. Some of the key features of this book are:

  • Updated and extended topics: The book covers new and extended topics such as constraint logic programming, abductive reasoning and partial order planning. These topics reflect the current state-of-the-art in AI research and practice.

  • Practical and theoretical aspects: The book balances the practical and theoretical aspects of Prolog and AI. It teaches Prolog as a practical programming tool and shows how to use it to solve interesting AI problems. It also explains the underlying theory and principles of logic programming and AI.

  • Examples and exercises: The book provides numerous examples and exercises that illustrate the concepts and techniques covered in the book. The examples range from simple to complex, from toy problems to real-world applications. The exercises challenge the readers to test their understanding and apply their skills.

How to Use Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

To use Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition, you need to have access to a Prolog interpreter or compiler. A Prolog interpreter or compiler is a software program that can execute Prolog programs. There are many Prolog interpreters or compilers available for different platforms and operating systems. Some of the popular ones include SWI-Prolog, GNU Prolog, SICStus Prolog, etc.

To use this book effectively, you need to follow these steps:

  • Installing Prolog: You need to install a Prolog interpreter or compiler on your computer or device. You can download one from the official website of the respective software or from other sources. You can also use an online Prolog interpreter or compiler that runs on a web browser.

  • Running Prolog programs: You need to write your Prolog programs using a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE). You can save your programs as files with the extension .pl or .pro. You can then load your programs into the Prolog interpreter or compiler using commands such as consult or consult/1. You can then interact with your programs using queries or goals that you enter at the prompt.

  • Debugging and testing Prolog programs: You need to debug and test your Prolog programs using tools such as trace or trace/0, spy or spy/1, nospy or nospy/1, etc. These tools allow you to monitor and control the execution of your programs step by step. You can also use assertions or predicates such as assert or assert/1, retract or retract/1, etc., to modify your programs dynamically during execution.

Topics Covered in Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

Topics Covered in Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition covers a wide range of topics that are essential for learning and mastering Prolog and AI. The book is divided into two parts: the first part introduces the programming language Prolog, while the second part teaches AI using Prolog as a tool for the implementation of AI techniques. The book consists of 15 chapters, each with its own objectives, summary, exercises and references. Here is a brief overview of the topics covered in each chapter:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction: This chapter introduces the main concepts and features of Prolog and AI. It explains what logic programming is, how Prolog works, and what kinds of problems can be solved using Prolog and AI. It also gives some examples of Prolog programs and queries.

  • Chapter 2: Facts and Queries: This chapter explains how to represent and query facts in Prolog. It shows how to use predicates, atoms, variables, constants, terms, etc., to define facts and how to use goals, conjunctions, disjunctions, negations, etc., to query facts. It also introduces some built-in predicates such as write or write/1, nl or nl/0, fail or fail/0, etc.

  • Chapter 3: Rules and Recursion: This chapter explains how to represent and query rules in Prolog. It shows how to use clauses, heads, bodies, implications, etc., to define rules and how to use recursion to express iteration and induction. It also introduces some built-in predicates such as cut or !/0, repeat or repeat/0, not or not/1, etc.

  • Chapter 4: Lists: This chapter explains how to represent and manipulate lists in Prolog. It shows how to use brackets, commas, vertical bars, etc., to construct lists and how to use predicates such as member or member/2, append or append/3, length or length/2, reverse or reverse/2, etc., to operate on lists. It also introduces some list processing techniques such as maplist or maplist/2-4, filter or filter/3-4, foldl or foldl/4-6, etc.

  • Chapter 5: Arithmetic: This chapter explains how to perform arithmetic operations and comparisons in Prolog. It shows how to use operators such as +, -, *, /, mod, etc., to calculate arithmetic expressions and how to use predicates such as is or is/2, =:= or =:=/2, =\= or =\=/2, etc., to evaluate arithmetic relations. It also introduces some built-in predicates such as between or between/3, succ or succ/2, random or random/1-3, etc.

  • Chapter 6: Input and Output: This chapter explains how to perform input and output operations in Prolog. It shows how to use predicates such as read or read/1-2, write or write/1-2, nl or nl/0-1, etc., to read and write data from and to the standard input and output streams. It also introduces some predicates such as open or open/3-4, close or close/1-2, see or see/1, seen or seen/0, tell or tell/1, told or told/0, etc., to read and write data from and to files.

  • Chapter 7: Logic Programming and Knowledge Representation: This chapter explains how logic programming can be used for knowledge representation in AI. It shows how to use predicates such as assert or assert/1-2, retract or retract/1-2, clause or clause/2-3, etc., to add and remove facts and rules dynamically during execution. It also introduces some knowledge representation techniques such as frames, semantic networks, inheritance, default reasoning, etc.

  • Chapter 8: Search and Control Strategies: This chapter explains how search and control strategies can be used for problem solving in AI. It shows how to use predicates such as call or call/1-8, once or once/1, findall or findall/3-4, bagof or bagof/3-4, setof or setof/3-4, etc., to control the execution of Prolog programs. It also introduces some search and control strategies such as depth-first search, breadth-first search, best-first search, backtracking, heuristics, etc.

  • Chapter 9: Constraint Logic Programming: This chapter explains how constraint logic programming can be used for solving problems with constraints in AI. It shows how to use predicates such as clpfd or clpfd/1-2, clpr or clpr/1-2, clpq or clpq/1-2, etc., to declare and solve constraints over finite domains, real numbers, and rational numbers. It also introduces some constraint solving techniques such as arc consistency, domain splitting, branch and bound, etc.

  • Chapter 10: Abductive Reasoning and Partial Order Planning: This chapter explains how abductive reasoning and partial order planning can be used for reasoning with incomplete and uncertain information in AI. It shows how to use predicates such as abduce or abduce/2-3, plan or plan/2-3, etc., to perform abductive inference and generate plans. It also introduces some abductive reasoning and partial order planning techniques such as abduction, explanation closure, causal links, threats, etc.

  • Chapter 11: Meta-programming and Meta-logical Constructs: This chapter explains how meta-programming and meta-logical constructs can be used for manipulating and reasoning about Prolog programs in AI. It shows how to use predicates such as var or var/1, nonvar or nonvar/1, atom or atom/1, number or number/1, functor or functor/3-4, arg or arg/3-4, etc., to inspect and modify the structure of Prolog terms. It also introduces some meta-programming and meta-logical constructs such as term expansion, goal expansion, macros, reflection, etc.

  • Chapter 12: Basic Prolog Concepts: This chapter reviews the basic concepts of Prolog that are essential for understanding the rest of the book. It covers topics such as syntax, semantics, data types, operators, precedence, evaluation, unification, resolution, etc.

  • Chapter 13: Matching and Indexing: This chapter explains how matching and indexing can be used for improving the efficiency of Prolog programs. It shows how to use predicates such as match or match/2-3, index or index/1-2, etc., to optimize the selection of clauses and goals. It also introduces some matching and indexing techniques such as first argument indexing, argument indexing, predicate indexing, etc.

  • Chapter 14: Program Development Tools: This chapter explains how program development tools can be used for creating and maintaining Prolog programs. It shows how to use predicates such as consult or consult/1-2, reconsult or reconsult/1-2, compile or compile/1-2, etc., to load and compile Prolog programs. It also introduces some program development tools such as editors, debuggers, tracers, profilers, etc.

  • Chapter 15: Program Style and Efficiency: This chapter explains how program style and efficiency can be used for improving the quality and performance of Prolog programs. It shows how to use predicates such as style_check or style_check/1-2, time or time/1-2, space or space/1-2, etc., to check and measure the style and efficiency of Prolog programs. It also introduces some program style and efficiency guidelines such as readability, modularity, documentation, correctness, robustness, elegance, simplicity, etc.

Benefits of Learning Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

Learning Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition can bring you many benefits in your personal and professional endeavors. Some of the benefits are:

  • Developing AI applications using Prolog: You can use Prolog to develop AI applications that can perform tasks that require human intelligence. You can use Prolog to implement various AI techniques such as knowledge representation, reasoning, planning, learning, etc. You can also use Prolog to integrate with other AI tools and frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, etc.

  • Enhancing problem-solving and reasoning skills: You can use Prolog to enhance your problem-solving and reasoning skills. You can use Prolog to model and solve complex and dynamic problems using logic programming. You can also use Prolog to explore different solutions and alternatives using search and control strategies.

Benefits of Learning Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition

Learning Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition can bring you many benefits in your personal and professional endeavors. Some of the benefits are:

  • Developing AI applications using Prolog: You can use Prolog to develop AI applications that can perform tasks that require human intelligence. You can use Prolog to implement various AI techniques such as knowledge representation, reasoning, planning, learning, etc. You can also use Prolog to integrate with other AI tools and frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, etc.

  • Enhancing problem-solving and reasoning skills: You can use Prolog to enhance your problem-solving and reasoning skills. You can use Prolog to model and solve complex and dynamic problems using logic programming. You can also use Prolog to explore different solutions and alternatives using search and control strategies.

  • Exploring new paradigms and techniques in AI: You can use Prolog to explore new paradigms and techniques in AI. You can use Prolog to learn about constraint logic programming, abductive reasoning, partial order planning, meta-programming, meta-logical constructs, etc. You can also use Prolog to experiment with new ideas and concepts in AI.


In this article, we have introduced you to Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition, a best-selling guide to Prolog and AI written by Professor Ivan Bratko. We have explained what Prolog and AI are, how they are related, and what are the key features of this book. We have also shown you how to use this book effectively, what topics it covers, and what benefits you can gain from learning it.

We hope that this article has sparked your interest in Prolog and AI and motivated you to read this book. We believe that this book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn and master Prolog and AI. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a researcher, or a practitioner, this book can help you achieve your goals in AI programming.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 4th Edition:

  • Where can I buy this book?You can buy this book from various online and offline sources such as Amazon, Google Books, Barnes & Noble, etc. You can also access this book online from some websites such as GitHub or Google Drive.

  • What are the prerequisites for reading this book?You do not need any prior knowledge of Prolog or AI to read this book. However, some basic knowledge of programming and logic would be helpful.

  • How long does it take to read this book?The length of time it takes to read this book depends on your reading speed and comprehension level. However, a rough estimate is that it would take about 20 hours to read this book.

  • Is there a solution manual for this book?Yes, there is a solution manual for this book that contains the answers to the exercises in each chapter. You can find the solution manual online from some websites such as GitHub or Google Drive.

  • Is there a newer edition of this book?No, there is no newer edition of this book as of now. The latest edition of this book is the fourth edition published in 2011.



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